January 2, 2014
Ashes to Ashes
A new year, new beginnings and new writing challenges for me. I need to get back to more flash fiction, commentary, or just plain musings for this site. Poetry seems to have taken over my life and I need to break from those chains and write…write…write…write. Not that poetry is a bad thing, but poetry is almost too easy for me and I need to stretch my writing wings every day.
Another year closer to the end of my days. No, this is not some cryptic message, but a reality most of us would rather not think about…much less discuss. Something we push to the back of our minds, try to forget, not face head on until that reality rushes up to slap us in the face when someone close to us departs this world unexpectedly and much too soon.
I have no remaining family…so, arrangements need to be decide upon and made. There is no one to be responsible for what is left of me when I depart the physical realm of my existence. Years ago I decided when the time came…no hoopla. Just a simple cremation and a memorial service … a celebration not a mourning. Those things can all be prearranged (an need to be by me). At one time, a close friend said she would keep my urn (an urn I made years ago when my creative phase at the time was ceramics…the urn above is not mine but it is lovely and my urn is in storage, hence this beautiful angel urn). That friendship is strained so, I don't know if the offer still stands.
At any rate … the question remains … where will the remaining particles of reduced carbon that were once 'Me' be stored?
Copyright © 2014 Annie
Always…I wish you peace, joy and happiness, but most of all I wish you Love.
As Ever, Annie
Another year closer to the end of my days. No, this is not some cryptic message, but a reality most of us would rather not think about…much less discuss. Something we push to the back of our minds, try to forget, not face head on until that reality rushes up to slap us in the face when someone close to us departs this world unexpectedly and much too soon.
I have no remaining family…so, arrangements need to be decide upon and made. There is no one to be responsible for what is left of me when I depart the physical realm of my existence. Years ago I decided when the time came…no hoopla. Just a simple cremation and a memorial service … a celebration not a mourning. Those things can all be prearranged (an need to be by me). At one time, a close friend said she would keep my urn (an urn I made years ago when my creative phase at the time was ceramics…the urn above is not mine but it is lovely and my urn is in storage, hence this beautiful angel urn). That friendship is strained so, I don't know if the offer still stands.
At any rate … the question remains … where will the remaining particles of reduced carbon that were once 'Me' be stored?
Copyright © 2014 Annie
Always…I wish you peace, joy and happiness, but most of all I wish you Love.
As Ever, Annie