April 1, 2016 - Update
Hopefully you made it through today without too many tricks ... my cell phone carrier bedeviled me most of the morning by dropping service, searching, dropping to a lower slower availability of service every 2-3 minutes until 10:45 am. Frustrating definitely because I have a full morning of work that was either computer based (no internet service either) and making business phone calls. Kept look for the Joker to pop out from somewhere and shout April Fool's!
He didn't, but I felt that all the technology gremlins on earth had descended upon my at the same time ... unfortunately it seems nowadays our lives are hijacked by technology and when it doesn't work when we need it to we are forced to sit back and reassess ... my life this morning needed a restart, reboot, do-over ... any and all of these. Because of the interruption this I am writing and April 1st post just after midnight on the 2nd!
Hopefully this weekend will deal me a gently life ... after all it is the first weekend of the Final Four for NCAA women and men basketball teams ... please please please techno gods keep my satellite service up and running ... missing these games just might force me to begin drinking ... and that would not be a good thing!
Off we go into spring ... and it is rainy and cold in Central Texas ... gotta love life!
Never lose your SPARKLE ... thanks Monique ... you ROCK
He didn't, but I felt that all the technology gremlins on earth had descended upon my at the same time ... unfortunately it seems nowadays our lives are hijacked by technology and when it doesn't work when we need it to we are forced to sit back and reassess ... my life this morning needed a restart, reboot, do-over ... any and all of these. Because of the interruption this I am writing and April 1st post just after midnight on the 2nd!
Hopefully this weekend will deal me a gently life ... after all it is the first weekend of the Final Four for NCAA women and men basketball teams ... please please please techno gods keep my satellite service up and running ... missing these games just might force me to begin drinking ... and that would not be a good thing!
Off we go into spring ... and it is rainy and cold in Central Texas ... gotta love life!
Never lose your SPARKLE ... thanks Monique ... you ROCK
December 31, 2015
Another year has come and gone ... well almost ... it is late afternoon on New Year's Eve 2015. This has been one of the most difficult years in my life. Nothing I can put my finger on in particular, but just a horrible year in particular. I blame it on the crazy celestial activity for 2015 ... super moons, blood moons, cosmic flu with most months, planetary retrogrades ... all creating uneasy, unrest and supposed upgrades for those sensitive to that type of thing. Regardless of the reason I am looking forward to this year ending with a whimper and 2016 coming in with positive changes that I will be able to look forward to instead of wondering what shoe is about to drop next that has been the norm for 2015.
That's about it ... nothing else to say except Happy New Year and Wishing everyone a wonderful 1016.
That's about it ... nothing else to say except Happy New Year and Wishing everyone a wonderful 1016.
December 3, 2015
This is a test to see if Weebly is going to allow me to make a new post. I have deleted nearly my entire website and done everything the so called technical support team has told me to do and I still get an error message every time I try to post something new.
Should this continue ... this website will no longer exist by the end of 2015 and will be moved to WordPress.com that never fails me with each and every time I post.
I just got the familiar orange box telling me an error occurred ... this is so not a way to have customers be happy with a web design system.
Should this continue ... this website will no longer exist by the end of 2015 and will be moved to WordPress.com that never fails me with each and every time I post.
I just got the familiar orange box telling me an error occurred ... this is so not a way to have customers be happy with a web design system.

March 31, 2015
Again we find ourselves at the end of another March. Happy April Fool's Day Eve Y'all!
I haven't posted on a regular basis for a long time ... other responsibilities and Weebly incompatibility with my preferred site organization style really messed with me and this site for nearly a year. Hopefully, beginning tomorrow things will be different...finally.
Again this year I am planning to participate in the Writer's Digest PAD - Poem A Day challenge for April. If all goes well, I will post my poem each day.
On the DTLAL front, the new magazine edition will be up and running April 5, 2015. Please take time to pop over there and check out my current short stories and then in April for the upcoming ones.
February 22, 2015
This month has been a roller coaster ride. I have been contributing to an international online magazine DownTown LA Life for several months. February found me with my own bi-line and a monthly slot for submitting my work. Last week, I was given the title of Contributing Editor that will begin March 1, 2015. This entire writing journey has been a blessing and I am humbled by the inclusion of being a part in this wonderful publication. Artists, photographers, writers, and poets around the world are featured monthly www.downtownlalife.com
Take time out of your busy day to peruse this publication. You will not be disappointed in what you find there. One click leads to the next artist and their individual brilliance.
Thank you Don and Christian for including me in your world!
January, 2015
Two days into another new year. I have no idea what it will bring for me, yet I am ready to face it head-on and with passion and enthusiasm. My writing journey will continue and hopefully will grow and improve. I most likely will not post daily, but hope to at least bring something to the table at least once a week. This will remain an eclectic site -- poetry, commentary, fiction -- strikes my fancy at the time.
Again we find ourselves at the end of another March. Happy April Fool's Day Eve Y'all!
I haven't posted on a regular basis for a long time ... other responsibilities and Weebly incompatibility with my preferred site organization style really messed with me and this site for nearly a year. Hopefully, beginning tomorrow things will be different...finally.
Again this year I am planning to participate in the Writer's Digest PAD - Poem A Day challenge for April. If all goes well, I will post my poem each day.
On the DTLAL front, the new magazine edition will be up and running April 5, 2015. Please take time to pop over there and check out my current short stories and then in April for the upcoming ones.
February 22, 2015
This month has been a roller coaster ride. I have been contributing to an international online magazine DownTown LA Life for several months. February found me with my own bi-line and a monthly slot for submitting my work. Last week, I was given the title of Contributing Editor that will begin March 1, 2015. This entire writing journey has been a blessing and I am humbled by the inclusion of being a part in this wonderful publication. Artists, photographers, writers, and poets around the world are featured monthly www.downtownlalife.com
Take time out of your busy day to peruse this publication. You will not be disappointed in what you find there. One click leads to the next artist and their individual brilliance.
Thank you Don and Christian for including me in your world!
January, 2015
Two days into another new year. I have no idea what it will bring for me, yet I am ready to face it head-on and with passion and enthusiasm. My writing journey will continue and hopefully will grow and improve. I most likely will not post daily, but hope to at least bring something to the table at least once a week. This will remain an eclectic site -- poetry, commentary, fiction -- strikes my fancy at the time.
Fall, 2014 - Update
It has been a while since I posted to this site. I have been going through some person growth and changes. As with most changes, there have been ups and downs, ins and outs, and two steps forward with one step back as I have journeyed to find myself… not that I was lost, but I needed to reconnect with ME and decide who and what I am at this point in my life. I have done a lot of poetry writing, a lot of micropoety, and a lot of reading. Somewhere along the way, I neglected books…realized that I HAD to reconnect to reading…favorite authors, new authors, more nonfiction, and a new love of the short story.
I will be renovating this site and hope to begin posting on a semi-regular basis again. Not daily as I have in the past, but at least weekly in my original eclectic fashion of random musings. Things will disappear that have long been on this site and new things will appear. You never know what you might find the next time you wander in for a look. Be patient with me as I grow and change, renovation is always a mess and trying in the best of times!
Due to issues with Weebly and storage of my work, I have moved my entire Free Write Friday section to a new website:
Annie - October 6, 2014
I will be renovating this site and hope to begin posting on a semi-regular basis again. Not daily as I have in the past, but at least weekly in my original eclectic fashion of random musings. Things will disappear that have long been on this site and new things will appear. You never know what you might find the next time you wander in for a look. Be patient with me as I grow and change, renovation is always a mess and trying in the best of times!
Due to issues with Weebly and storage of my work, I have moved my entire Free Write Friday section to a new website:
Annie - October 6, 2014
Stars Fell Down by Annie
My very first ebook publication: Stars Fell Down by Annie Look for it on Amazon.com - Kindle Store. |

Click the book to go to Heidi's website
Heidi Barnes
has a riveting series of love, intrigue, and suspense.
Book 1: Obsession
Book 2: Seduction
Book 3: Deceptions
Book 4: Absolution
These books are a must. You will not be disappointed.
has a riveting series of love, intrigue, and suspense.
Book 1: Obsession
Book 2: Seduction
Book 3: Deceptions
Book 4: Absolution
These books are a must. You will not be disappointed.

Photography and poetry are the sole property of the blog owner and copyright protected
Hancock Pool - one of many natural spring flow through pools in Texas with a temperature never above 72 degrees.
My favorite hang out on a hot summer day!
Lampasas, Texas
My favorite hang out on a hot summer day!
Lampasas, Texas
Welcome to Annie's Texas Musings
This is a site for me to share a little bit of everything. Some of the content will have a Texas flare. Since I am a very eclectic blogger, there is no one theme for this site. My basic Muse is Music, therefore, every blog may have a comment about the music I was listening to during the writing, or music that was my inspiration. Annie's Texas Musings is a work in progress and so am I. The more I write, the more I discover and uncover about my self and my life as a Texan, the more things will change. Follow me on Twitter Annie @txstarkeeper.
My friend Heidi Barnes has four books in her series titled Obsession. Scroll to the book cover to go to her website for more information. These four book should be on your reading list...you will not be disappointed. Read my reviews on Amazon.com.
I have added a section for the micropoetry I enjoy writing. Micropoetry containes 140 charaters or less to allow a Twitter post. I find this a challenge to be able to create a poem in just a few words. Below is an example. The Micropoetry Tab not only identifies this section, but contains various collections of poems. When you hover over this tab, additional sections will drop down.
Momma said ~ be strong ~ independent ~ and loving ~ always a Southern Lady first ~ but there will be times ~ even a Lady just has to ~ CUSS
So, sit back, grab a cup of coffee and take a few minutes to read what has been on my mind today or yesterday!
Take a minute to view my various awareness ribbons. They are all there because someone I care deeply about is fighting or lost their fight with one of these major health issues. Please never forget those who are fighting daily for their very lives.
My friend Heidi Barnes has four books in her series titled Obsession. Scroll to the book cover to go to her website for more information. These four book should be on your reading list...you will not be disappointed. Read my reviews on Amazon.com.
I have added a section for the micropoetry I enjoy writing. Micropoetry containes 140 charaters or less to allow a Twitter post. I find this a challenge to be able to create a poem in just a few words. Below is an example. The Micropoetry Tab not only identifies this section, but contains various collections of poems. When you hover over this tab, additional sections will drop down.
Momma said ~ be strong ~ independent ~ and loving ~ always a Southern Lady first ~ but there will be times ~ even a Lady just has to ~ CUSS
So, sit back, grab a cup of coffee and take a few minutes to read what has been on my mind today or yesterday!
Take a minute to view my various awareness ribbons. They are all there because someone I care deeply about is fighting or lost their fight with one of these major health issues. Please never forget those who are fighting daily for their very lives.