Small Change
Emptying his pockets at the end of the day
Dropping the collected coins into a
wooden cigar box on the highboy
He wondered...
How did he accumulate so much every day?
What had he bought to get this
handful of change each day?
Looking at the nearly full box...
He realized his life was
one of Privilege...
Mindless spending...
What could that amount of
small change every day do to
make a small change
for someone less fortunate?
His vow...then and there...
Count and and match
that daily change every week
Watch it grow...
Make it matter...
for someone...
he turned off the light
slept like a baby for the
first time in months
© 2013 Annie Original Poetry
Emptying his pockets at the end of the day
Dropping the collected coins into a
wooden cigar box on the highboy
He wondered...
How did he accumulate so much every day?
What had he bought to get this
handful of change each day?
Looking at the nearly full box...
He realized his life was
one of Privilege...
Mindless spending...
What could that amount of
small change every day do to
make a small change
for someone less fortunate?
His vow...then and there...
Count and and match
that daily change every week
Watch it grow...
Make it matter...
for someone...
he turned off the light
slept like a baby for the
first time in months
© 2013 Annie Original Poetry
Always...I wish you peace, joy and happiness, but most of all I wish you Love.
As Ever, Annie
As Ever, Annie