My childhood was
spent underground
in one storm cellar
or another
Mom always made sure
she had me and Mrs. Baker
in a safe place
Storm stories always
scared the crap
out of me
making the
waiting worse
Would this be the night
of that Big Storm
we always feared?
All those times...
We had some nasty storms
but...never that one...
the tornado that
haunted my
day or night
© 2013 Annie Original Poetry
Always…I wish you peace, joy and happiness, but most of all I wish you Love.
As Ever, Annie
My childhood was
spent underground
in one storm cellar
or another
Mom always made sure
she had me and Mrs. Baker
in a safe place
Storm stories always
scared the crap
out of me
making the
waiting worse
Would this be the night
of that Big Storm
we always feared?
All those times...
We had some nasty storms
but...never that one...
the tornado that
haunted my
day or night
© 2013 Annie Original Poetry
Always…I wish you peace, joy and happiness, but most of all I wish you Love.
As Ever, Annie
Growing up in rural Central Texas, I did spend a lot of time in storm cellars during my childhood. We took care of my Dad's 'Texas Mom' who was deathly afraid of storms...some of that fear rubbed off on me a bit back then. Mom would gather up all the little old ladies and would find someone with a cellar that welcomed us ... then the stories would begin. Horror stories of two-by-fours driven through houses and cars, cattle having their skin striped off by the winds...oh, I could go on and on, but thank goodness we never experienced any of this. I have dodged the tornado bullet most of my life...and hope my luck continues to hold!