Sudden Storm
It could be heard
from miles away
Sounding like a herd
of runaway mustangs
pounding in from
the West
When it hit
golf ball…
every size imagined
pounded everything
in sight
Nothing escaped ---
Trees stripped bare…
Cars beaten to a pulp…
windows smashed…
all took a beating
no one had ever
My car was demolished…
My neighbor had
baseball size hail
break through her
roof into her home
The power…
the vengeance…
West Texas hail storms
leave no one
Copyright © 2013 Annie - Original Poetry
Always…I wish you peace, joy and happiness, but most of all I wish you Love.
As Ever, Annie
from miles away
Sounding like a herd
of runaway mustangs
pounding in from
the West
When it hit
golf ball…
every size imagined
pounded everything
in sight
Nothing escaped ---
Trees stripped bare…
Cars beaten to a pulp…
windows smashed…
all took a beating
no one had ever
My car was demolished…
My neighbor had
baseball size hail
break through her
roof into her home
The power…
the vengeance…
West Texas hail storms
leave no one
Copyright © 2013 Annie - Original Poetry
Always…I wish you peace, joy and happiness, but most of all I wish you Love.
As Ever, Annie
This picture was found at random --- the hail represents the smallest hail stones from this storm…it was devastating to the town where I lived at the time.