Please hear me out before you decide I am a complete and total Looney Toon! What you are about to read, has happened on more than one occurance, and took me a while to make the connection. One of my posts during Thanksgiving break spoke of how my decesed parents communicate with me through me finding coins of specific amounts. This is another level of communication from my father only.
After my father died in july of 1989, everytime I have a difficult life decision, I see a shooting star. The first time was when I needed to make a decision about a job change and happened in the Spring of 1993. I wish this communication had started a year earlier and I would have been working in my current school district beginning the Fall of 1992. Oh well, everything happens for a reason, and my in far West Texas was definitely and learning experience. That first star helped me decide to come back to Central Texas for more than one reason...but, that is another story.
Here are the conditions: when I have a major life changing decision, I see a shooting star...a single shooting star. Also, this star only appears in the early morning sky when the sky is the very darkest right before dawn...and only when I am driving East. When I see that star, I know the decision I have been worrying over will be the right one. My Dad has never failed me in all the years since his death...and there have been many many shooting stars to go with those decisions.
Believe me or not, I do know that my parents communicate to me from the great beyond. The do this not only with found coins and shooting stars, but through very realistic vivid dreams to take me further in my decision making. They rarely make an appearance together, and I attribute that to the different times of their death. Yes, I do believe they are together, but I also believe that they are apart as well. Each of them takes on the decsion I need to make that is best related to their own areas of expertise. I just accept this as a natural part of my life in their death!
Always, I wish you peace, joy and happiness, but most of all I wish you LOVE. Remember, never ignore a found coin, shooting star or dream that seems just a little too real!
As Ever, Annie
After my father died in july of 1989, everytime I have a difficult life decision, I see a shooting star. The first time was when I needed to make a decision about a job change and happened in the Spring of 1993. I wish this communication had started a year earlier and I would have been working in my current school district beginning the Fall of 1992. Oh well, everything happens for a reason, and my in far West Texas was definitely and learning experience. That first star helped me decide to come back to Central Texas for more than one reason...but, that is another story.
Here are the conditions: when I have a major life changing decision, I see a shooting star...a single shooting star. Also, this star only appears in the early morning sky when the sky is the very darkest right before dawn...and only when I am driving East. When I see that star, I know the decision I have been worrying over will be the right one. My Dad has never failed me in all the years since his death...and there have been many many shooting stars to go with those decisions.
Believe me or not, I do know that my parents communicate to me from the great beyond. The do this not only with found coins and shooting stars, but through very realistic vivid dreams to take me further in my decision making. They rarely make an appearance together, and I attribute that to the different times of their death. Yes, I do believe they are together, but I also believe that they are apart as well. Each of them takes on the decsion I need to make that is best related to their own areas of expertise. I just accept this as a natural part of my life in their death!
Always, I wish you peace, joy and happiness, but most of all I wish you LOVE. Remember, never ignore a found coin, shooting star or dream that seems just a little too real!
As Ever, Annie